Saturday, December 5, 2015

Truth Behind the False

People who have lived longer are said to have a lot of experiences that is too many that we can’t count. Many believe that what most people say or what elderlies say is the secret on how to live life perfectly. Others believe that the words and wisdom flowing from the elderlies’ lips speak the truth but they cannot deny the fact that they totally disagree to most of their beliefs. Some may reprimand us for what we am saying right now but we cannot let these false data penetrate into the minds of the youth, and this is what we’ve got to say:
Don’t you feel like you are obligated to do something that people say would bring you good fortune or bad ones? For example, jumping as the arms of the clock reaches 12:00 am in every New Year and believing that it may gather luck to help you with your growth, wishing to a shooting star when it appears and hoping that your prayer would be granted, burying a book below your pillow and sleeping on it overnight and expecting to be smarter next day, and a lot of beliefs that greatly lack scientific proof. These examples are one of the common beliefs that one of us may be doing but we’ve been thinking lately that people may be fooled in such practices that doesn’t have any appropriate nor reliable proof that whatever they are expecting to happen will occur.
Jumping on New Year’s Eve doesn’t affect your health. It won’t improve nor worsen your current state. Since it won’t change anything in your body, you shouldn’t expect that your growth will speed up.
 Growing taller requires proper and enough nutrients that is why some people, who are practical, intake growth improving medicines rather than believing on not reliable practices since it is recommended by experts. It also depends whether you have a trait of being tall or not.
Wishing your desires when a comet appears above you will leave you hoping for nothing. There is no scientific theory or explanation saying that if an individual prays before a shooting star, that wish will come true. Those are common happenings on fairy tales which is impossible to happen in real life. If ever that a wish came true after asking for it, it’s either someone did it for you on purpose or it is pure coincidence.
Putting a book below your pillow will not make you smarter the next day. For example, if you are studying for an exam and you really need to rest, you will put that book you are using below your pillow and sleep over it. It will not make you smarter nor make you remember it more. Maybe if you did remember the terms needed to be memorized, it is because maybe you have already mastered it. Resting on it does not affect your intelligence and experience.
These are only few examples of beliefs that elderlies taught their children and we think that young people should think deeply before believing on what they hear. It doesn’t mean that if the information sounds real, it is reliable. There is a big possibility that the beliefs they formulated are done because of the repeating coincidence when they started experimenting on such activity and it gives the same outcomes twice or more.
Also, there are a lot of things that we know but we’re not yet sure if they’re proven. Is what you know real or not real? Most of the “facts” you read in the internet are not real. Except if they came from a reliable site that shows evidence. We can’t avoid people with colorful imaginations.
Most myths are regarded as historical. But there are people who discover that there are untrue stories. Myths are intended as a belief. They are found in the television, the cinema and even in video games. Those forms of stories tend to explain nature and gives out facts.
Let’s start with myths about the brain since it’s on top. Our brain is really amazing and complex but our knowledge about it might be a bluff. Movies led us to believe that we only use 10% of our brain. Remember Lucy? According to modern brain scanning technology, we use 100% of it all the time but not all at once. There’s no part of the brain that doesn’t do anything.
Are you right brained? Nope. Maybe you’re left brained. Nope, guess again. Nobody is either left or right brained. Different sides of the brain are used for specific functions. For example, language is in the left hemisphere while the right hemisphere helps us to read emotion. There is no evidence about the left or right dominance in individuals. That means we use both side equally.
Who says alcohol kills brain cells? Actually, alcohol contains 13 minerals that sustain human life. It is good news for people who have drinking problems. But it causes damaging that creates problems conveying messages between neurons. Also, drugs don’t create holes in our brains. Some can permanently change our brain’s functionality and structure. The only thing that can put a hole in our brain is physical trauma.
We learn a lot of myths either from Google or from other people. Like the statement that the Great Wall of China is visible from space. Is it? The answer is no. You can only see the air pollution. Now stop saying that trivia in Social Studies class.
Another “Myth Conception” about nature is that we only have 5 senses. Do you agree with that? We really have approximately 20 senses, like pain, movement, hunger and many more.
According to the internet—well we found a reliable site so don’t point out that everything written here are false. So as I was saying, we know Satan as the ruler of Hell—or is he? The internet states that this myth is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Well, maybe Hades is the ruler.
And this might be a random myth buster but what did you really know about Einstein? Aside from being brainy, we know him as the guy who failed math before being a genius. And here’s the part where I’ll say that it’s not true. He just failed and entrance exam for a school. Still, he excelled in math. What do you expect?
This is the paragraph where we were mind blown because we only knew this trivia right now. “One dog year does not equal seven human years” and we went nuts. As dog lovers, we believed that they age like that and we know it’s not a big deal, but still.
Animal scientists already knew that but the myth still continues on spreading. They say that dog life spans average anywhere between 8 and 16 human years, with smaller breeds outliving large ones.

It’s not wrong to believe on what you think is true but it is better to know the truth that sayings or beliefs, without proper source, is not reliable therefore it is giving false information. It is wrong to spread wrong ideas and giving the youth wrong mind sets. They have the right to know the truth behind every false story.

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